ReBlogging ‘Notes {913}’ – Link Below

Notes {913}

About Yernasia Quorelios

Writer, Philosopher, Pseudo Psyche, Ascension Assistant, WordSmith, Reader
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21 Responses to ReBlogging ‘Notes {913}’ – Link Below

  1. 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:


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    • Yernasia Quorelios says:

      💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎

      💎 Boundaries, Accountability and Responsibility SupaSoulSis; sharp words and actions hurt like hell yet ARE Necessary…so “For?” is whatever YOU!!! CHOOSE!!! because NoOne Else is to BLAME!!! But YOU!!! and Me Joint CHOICES!!! and DECISIONS!!! which Creates Our Futures; ergo, Do YOU!!! Understand 🤔 ?

      💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎



      • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

        Sounds like YOU!!!! don’t UNDERSTAND!!! what YOURRRRR!!!!! apologizing FORRR! And until THEN!!! your just talking OUT!!! of your ARSE!!! Ergo…. you KNOWW!!! what YOU! did. And until YOUUUU acknowledge it, Your not getting ANYTHING from Me until YOU!!!! express YOUR!!!! ACTIONS!!! And ACKNOWLEDGE that what you did WAS!!! NOT!!! OKAY!!!! And so far from necessary. How sick in the head does one gotta be to think attempted murder is necessary. Or wait?! We’re you just to far fucked up on drugs that night to remember 🤷🏼‍♀️ hmmmm SOUNDS LIKE SOMEONE ISNT BEING RESPONSIBLE…. STILLLL!!!!

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      • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

        YOU!!! took it to FAR that night and YOU! KNOW !! it wasn’t okay. YET!!! HERE!!! YOU!!! SIT!! with that cocky arrogance acting a fool like it ain’t no thang

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        • Yernasia Quorelios says:

          💜 Please Don’t BLAME!!! Me or Any Others SupaSoulSis; it’s THEM!!! YOU!!! NEED!!! To BLAME!!! and Don’t Take It Out on Others Personally…so I Suggest Rid YOURSELF!!! of The CoDependency on The FuckWits, CoOperating Instead with People that Get YOU!!!



          • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

            Your the ONE!!!! getting TRIGGEREDby my posts! Which only indicates your taking THEM Personally. HENCE your ERIC!!! otherwise you’d be receiving these posts differently. Maybe try taking YOUR OWN ADVICE as you constantly grab for straws to throw blame at me. If your just a rando online then you have no reason to be so affected by MY EXPERIENCE. Your affected because yo ditto here with a fake account pretending To be someone yo ur not. Just so you can protect your precious image. CO DEPENDENCY? Your one to talk. The guy who NEEDED 15 other woman on his phone while I worked, and did lodge. right yea I guess begging your ex to take you u back because you were … what was that word you used “lonely” while I was PRAYING. ain’t no one codependent here but ERIC. Poor thing you can’t even look in the mirror and see your own BULLSHIT

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          • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

            Quote conical ERIC calls her to e codependent one while he’s out there trailblazing through then woman one right after another. Hey tho !! Does Di&#$- know your already look nut info up your next girl? While still arguing over your image with the last one? Hmmmm here I sit … working through … NOT trailblazing STILL single HEALING properly doing why I NEED to do…. Hmmm STILL working on ME you know … that better version we should all strive for each day. Getting my OWN place. All the good stuff. Yeh … what’s Eric doing??? Co defendantly with his other chick🤷🏼‍♀️

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          • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

            Interesting 👍 now he’s filling his head with lies. Convincing himself. She said never contact her ???contrary for the immature fool assaulted her yet turned around and acted as though she was the one begging to not be contacted.

            Block here.block there here a block everywhere. Cause much harm YET ran away scared. Tail between his legs and twists it around one her.
            Speaks volumes.
            Honestly. The true colors of a coward.

            Ain’t no one said anything about “not contacting” that was all him the moment he decided to play his sick little game of attempting to kill the woman he claimed he loved so much and carrying not a care more worry of whether that said love was okay or not. HE chose not to check up. He Chose not to mend up. And soon after attempted to hack her account. Yep 👍 soon after that BLOCK HER making his “big” immature STATEMENT Soon after sneak into her garage. Hmmmm YET! After all his PLEAS! He crawls himself. hounding.

            Affected by her truth WHY? Because it reveals HIs cruelty. And

            THE!!! ONLY!!! REASON!!! he is affected by … because his false image of self is his only true love. Right next to drugs and alcohol.

            That substance he chose to allow in and affect a once beautiful Union HE chose to destroy.

            now the only way he can sleep at night is by convincing himself and others he’s the victim, and that SHE told him to not contact.

            let’s also NOT FORGET. How desportaly he attempts to convince HER of his victim hood as well in hopes she’s going to question how he made her feel.

            Because his reality is to hard to face.

            That he HIMSELF put him in THIS situation.

            Sitting there hoping and praying she’s crawling and gaining nothing but sheer frustration.

            If this so called “crawling” is so bothersome then take a seat with your misery and stay off her story. 🤷🏼‍♀️

            Because at the end of the day she isn’t trying. Your wishful thinkings got you spinning.

            You seem to have so much to say…
            Yet there you sit tail still tucked. It seems to trigger ever so much… to stalk the pages you think beg and crawl.

            HE is the one who pulled all the stops . I love you oh wait I hate you .. no let’s this how bout not. Teeter totters and kindergartners a child who has yet to grow up.

            If it matters so much pull the big boy undies up make the call you know will solve the struck.

            Make amends properly not through dilutions not through “competing” and not by demaning. For, one who claims to care so much, THESE actions don’t meet any of his words spoken.

            Stop filling that head with false perceptions. For he knows what he did and that he went TOO FAR. She too knows what pissed him off. Yet and can take account. HOWEVER!!!! The moment he laid hands in harm was the moment he lost his credibility. For, he NOW owes the first GENUINE apology.

            Only, he may not be capable of sucking up his pride. So he sits there hoping she’ll call him first. Something he’s taken for granted with assumptions that she’d always be there.

            expecting her To apologize for her part first, is like execting his sin to be erased from his skin.

            If he’s truly remorseful for the dreadful actions he will take the first step and do what needs to be done.

            Don’t act cocky for she doesn’t hold her breath. There won’t be much power in treating this like another “punishment” he can make amends and heal or he can continue to allow the ego and pride to shun and destruct as the crumbling that unfolds before him begins to take hold. That is entirely up to him.

            Point blank: if she impacts him so much then suck it up homeboy you’ve got an apology to muster up.


            • Yernasia Quorelios says:

              💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎

              💎 The Cosmic Joke in ALL its Manifested Glory EveryOne, why So Serious EveryBody; We ARE ALL Mad OtherWise We Would Have Stayed in Bliss instead of Having a FUCKED UP!!! 3DExperience and Have NO NEED!!! To Sort Our FUCKING HEADS OUT!!! 🤔 ?

              Lots of Love, Hugs, Sweetness and Light from The Joker 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃😀🙂

              💎 – Diamond Hard – 💎

              … 💎💎💎…

              Liked by 1 person

              • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

                No need. 👍 gnar gnar I’d rather not get hugged by a psychopath. Go enjoy some more of that champagne tho . She’ll see your true colors soon enough. No one needs a chump like that in their life. It’s why they all leave you behind. Go play joker with someone who cares 😎✌️

                Liked by 1 person

              • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

                —-We ARE ALL Mad OtherWise We Would Have Stayed in Bliss instead of Having a FUCKED UP!!! 3DExperience——
                You tell me. YOU are the one who chose to destroy the bliss.
                The moment the liquor touched your lips, the lines you began to sniff and the pills you shoved down your throat. A CHOICE you made. That’s on you. ONCE AGAIN you let your substances come in and wreck the good thing you had in your life. You know …that reason you wanted to be sober in the first place. She didn’t shove that junk down your throat. You did. You made the choice and you allowed it to control your motives, words and actions like poison you let it seep into a beautiful union turned sour by YOUR OWN AFFLICTIONS.

                FYI diamond hard indicates you have a boner foo.

                Liked by 1 person

            • Yernasia Quorelios says:

              💜 Don’t forget The Mirrors and Pointing with One Finger while Three Fingers ARE Pointing at Self; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that I AM FAR from Perfect in The Eyes of Others and I Don’t Give a FUCK!!! Can Y’all Say The Same 🤔 ? If NOT!!! please kindly FUCK OFF!!!



              • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

                Funny a kid who’s parents stripped away his stability so young. He spiraled out of control. Got wrote off, felt like he never had control anywhere in his life and sooo he over compensated by trying to control EVERYTHING in his life. How’s that working out for ya Eric …. All that control… that deportation to control. The need to avoid your own self. Cool so glad your still that 15 year old bully. So glad your so aware of EVERYONE else and what you THINK they need to do. Meanwhile, neglecting that you should be focused on YOU

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              • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

                He stays, “ I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks” 😂 while he be ALL UP IN MY SHIT gaslighting cause he hates being called out. Let me repeat that. What bothers you is that your getting called out. Not what you did 🤷🏼‍♀️

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              • 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

                Don’t forget. After weeks of relapsing YOU took it to far that night. She didn’t assault you. That was you. Or do you not remember? Must not feel bad that you almost killed the “love of your life” ??? You enjoyed the thrill of drama and strife so much while you were constantly inebriated that you did whatever it took to create negative scenarios. So hard for you to look writhin yourself eh? I hear you talking about how everyone else needs to look in the mirror. Want people to look in the Mirror? try it first. Walk the talk. 👍 what’s truly sad is thanks to all those drugs, your reality is diluted. So much you seem to have problems remembering the part YOU played. unwilling to admit you did her dirty. Unwilling to accept that she wasn’t settling for less. To expect her to be happy while you flirted with other girls drunk of your ass. Is a cheap way of shrugging of your woes. here an idea… instead of acting like a little toddler with your joker comments.. what happened, I thought you were convinced you were Vader 🙄 maybe try acting like a grown man. It’s not funny. Its not cute. It’s not a joke. Your IN THE WRONG. Step up and account. Stop acting like your gods gift and maybe tread with some humility. Oops sorry I forgot you don’t know what that means. Get over yourself drop your illusions. Ain’t no one crawling back or begging for your anything. And tbh your one to talk. Here you sit daily arguing with ME about what you’ve done. Sounds a whole lot more like your the one crawling and begging. With thst said: grow a pair and for once in your life deal with your shit or take a seat honey cause she’s got bigger fish to fry

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  2. 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

    Add texted because your sitting here with fake

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  3. 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

    Hey tho does Di@#$- know your already lining up your next chick ***

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 🧝‍♀️Rarenwise🧝‍♀️ says:

    —-We ARE ALL Mad OtherWise We Would Have Stayed in Bliss instead of Having a FUCKED UP!!! 3DExperience——
You tell me. YOU are the one who chose to destroy the bliss.
The moment the liquor touched your lips, the lines you began to sniff and the pills you shoved down your throat. A CHOICE you made. That’s on you. ONCE AGAIN you let your substances come in and wreck the good thing you had in your life. You know …that reason you wanted to be sober in the first place. She didn’t shove that junk down your throat. You did. You made the choice and you allowed it to control your motives, words and actions like poison you let it seep into a beautiful union turned sour by YOUR OWN AFFLICTIONS.
    FYI diamond hard indicates you have a boner foo.

    Does D$@&@ know you sit there behind HER back talking to other woman? While she’s out on her little walks and animal sitings ? Haha probs not cause your a little chump with your tail between your legs hiding all your dirty deeds from others until they catch you. Whoops🙀then suddenly once your called out your fumbling to put it all on them. SAP

    Wonder how it would make her feel to know your that not only are sitting there Sobbin around caught up on your ex arguing with her in hopes of convincing her to see it your way so you can get your behalf assed win? And get her talking to you again? desperately clinging to the idea that your innocent. I’d ask if it helps you sleep better at night But oBviously your up losing sleep often sooooo…

    But thst your also soinf the same thing to her as you did to your past ones. Oh ya right… forgot. She’ll have to be the one to look in the mirror when she finds out right. Fair it’s never Eric nah!! It’s always the person calling his buckshot out. Whoops my dad I better go look in the mirror now so Eric can finally see his OWN DAMN ISSUES enjoy that fleeting happiness SupaSouLBruh


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